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Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Erika Damer, Coordinator

Del McWhorter, Stephanie Bennett-Smith Chair of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Joint appointed faculty: Erika Damer (Classics), Patricia Herrera (Theatre & Dance), Dorothy Holland (Theatre & Dance), Mariela Mendez (Latin America, Latino, & Iberian Studies), Mari Lee Mifsud (Rhetoric & Communication Studies), Kathleen Skerrett (University Professor), Andrea Simpson (Political Science), Julietta Singh (English), Nathan Snaza (English), Sydney Watts (History)

The women, gender and sexuality studies program is grounded in a) the analysis of gender and sexuality as historically emergent concepts and regions of human experience; b) the histories of political and social movements focused on the concerns, needs, and perspectives of women and sexualities minorities; and c) the theoretical and methodological frameworks of feminist analysis across the disciplines. Working in close consultation with an advisor, students may engage in a wide range of coursework emphasizing their specific areas of interest within the interdisciplinary field.