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Academic Procedures

The University of Richmond has, for each academic program, procedures and degree requirements that must be satisfied before the degree can be granted. The student is responsible for knowing the specific requirements and planning appropriately to allow for the completion of these requirements. Depending on the program, the University provides either or both academic advisors and administrative personnel to assist students with their plans. In any case, the final responsibility for following procedures and meeting degree requirements rests solely with the student.

The following sections describe academic policies, regulations, and procedures. If no indication of school is given, that section pertains universally to the School of Arts and Sciences, the Robins School of Business, and the Jepson School of Leadership Studies. When a statement pertains to a particular school or schools, it is listed under the appropriate school heading.

General Course Guidelines and Grading

Students are expected to achieve in the classroom and make steady progress toward completion of degree requirements. Relevant designations are specified in the following sections.


Registration is limited to admitted, degree-seeking students unless specific approval is granted for unclassified status.

Students shall register by following the policies.

Note: A student is not fully registered for any term until satisfactory arrangements have been made for that term’s fees.

Late registrations may be accepted subject to the policies for adding classes, as indicated in the section titled Change of Registration.

Students are not technically enrolled until the first day of class in a semester. Verification of enrollment cannot be made until that time.

Transfer Credit


A student may earn more than one undergraduate degree either consecutively or concurrently in relation to another undergraduate degree provided the degrees are not alike, e.g., not two B.A.s or two B.S.s. For information on completing one degree with multiple majors, see Declaration of Majors/Minors above.

The following policies apply to any student seeking a second undergraduate degree: