Honor Societies

Many honor and professional societies have chapters at the University of Richmond.

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest undergraduate honor society in the United States. The Richmond chapter, Epsilon of Virginia, was founded in 1929. Phi Beta Kappa members are selected from the Schools of Arts and Sciences and Leadership based upon academic achievement.

Beta Gamma Sigma is the national honor society for business students. The University of Richmond chapter was founded in 1965. Faculty members select students for membership based on distinguished academic record.

Omicron Delta Kappa is the national leadership honor society. Chartered in 1921, Richmond’s ODK chapter recognizes academic achievement, leadership, and membership positions

Golden Key National Honour Society recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement. Richmond’s chapter was chartered in 1990 and provides academic recognition, leadership and community service opportunities, and educational programs for its members.

Mortar Board is a national honor society that recognizes college seniors for distinguished scholarship, leadership, and service. Membership is open to rising seniors by invitation.

In addition to these campus-wide honor societies, many departments sponsor campus chapters of national honor societies in their disciplines. Information regarding departmental honor societies can be obtained from individual departments.